Neuropsychological Evaluations
Comprehensive evaluations are conducted with children and adolescents with histories of neurologic, developmental, or medical conditions that affect learning and behavior. The evaluation starts with a clinical consultation with the parents to gain an understanding of the child’s history and the purpose of the evaluation. The neuropsychologist then meets with the child and administers a variety of tests including paper-and-pencil, hands-on, question-and-answer and sometimes computer tests to assess cognitive functioning. We may ask the parents, the child and teacher(s) to complete questionnaires and rating scales to assess emotional functions and behavior. Each evaluation is tailored to the individual child and the extent of testing varies depending upon the age of the child and the presenting concerns. The results of the evaluation are used to characterize the child’s cognitive and behavioral strengths and weaknesses in order to guide treatment and educational planning. Diagnostic and clinical impressions and recommendations are shared with parents, physicians and school staff in an effort to help guide comprehensive home and school-based intervention programs.
Psychoeducational Evaluations
Comprehensive educational evaluations are conducted with students to evaluate the presence and extent of a possible learning disorder. The evaluation starts with a clinical consultation with the parent/guardian to gain an understanding of the student’s history and the purpose of the evaluation. The neuropsychologist then meets with the student and administers a variety of paper-and-pencil, hands-on and question-and-answer tests to assess intellectual abilities and academic skills in the areas of reading, writing and math. Behavior and emotional functioning may also be evaluated with rating scales completed by the parents, the child, and the student’s teacher(s). Each evaluation is tailored to the individual student and the extent of testing varies depending upon the age of the student and the presenting concerns. Diagnostic impressions are shared with parents and school staff to help guide the student’s academic programming and interventions.

College Boards and Accommodations
Comprehensive academic evaluations are conducted with adolescents and young adults who are seeking accommodations for the college boards and/or college level disability services and accommodations. The evaluation includes a clinical interview with the student and assessment of intellectual abilities and academic skills in the areas of reading, writing and math. Behavior and emotional functioning may also be evaluated with rating scales completed by parents, teachers and the student. Diagnostic impressions are shared with the student, parents and other relevant parties along with recommendations to help guide academic programming, interventions and accommodations
Diagnostic Autism Spectrum Evaluations
Comprehensive evaluations are conducted to assess for the presence and severity of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Each evaluation includes an in-depth developmental interview with parents using the Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADIR) and an assessment of social skills using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Second Edition (ADOS2). For preschool and elementary school children, a classroom observation is conducted to evaluate how the child interacts with peers and follows along with the school routine. The evaluation also includes assessment of intellectual abilities, adaptive functioning and relevant aspects of behavior and emotional functioning (e.g., attention, anxiety, compulsive behavior). Diagnostic impressions are shared with physicians, parents and school staff in an effort to help guide home and school-based intervention programs.
To read more about CBIT, please visit the Center for Disease Control.

Dyslexia/Reading Evaluations
Brief targeted evaluations are conducted to assess reading and spelling skills in students who show specific difficulties in those areas. Each evaluation includes a brief interview with the parents and assessment of reading, spelling and related language skills. Diagnostic impressions are shared with parents or guardians and school staff to help guide the child’s academic programming and interventions.
Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT)
Dr. Zuffante provides CBIT for individuals diagnosed with tic disorder or Tourette disorder. CBIT is a non-drug alternative to treating tics. While medication can be helpful for many people with tics, some individuals are averse to taking medication due to side effects and medication is not always effective in controlling tics. CBIT is a behavioral intervention that has been found to be as effective and in some cases, more effective, than medication. Research shows that CBIT also augments the effects of medication. The treatment typically requires 11 sessions, two 90-minute sessions and nine 60 minute sessions. Additional maintenance sessions may be scheduled as needed.
To read more about CBIT, please visit the Center for Disease Control.